Course description

This course is designed to introduce the logical framework approach (LFA) as a means to design project proposals for funding assistance. The training is aimed at building the skills and knowledge of participants to enhance their confidence in the use of the LFA, and supporting participants to submit logical and well-structured project proposals.

What will i learn?

  • Participants will be able to describe and perform all the steps of the Logical Framework Approach to develop a verified quality logframe matrix.
  • Participants will be able to describe and complete the key components of a funding application by pulling relevant data from the logframe matrix.
  • Participants will be more aware of the donors and grant funding programs that can be accessed by their projects.


  • A laptop
  • Note Book & A pen
  • A strong Internet Connection
  • Basic Browsing Skills

OraDMT Digital Marketing Training

OraDMT offers digital marketing training programmes across all platforms. Digital Marketing training gives participants the understanding of one's brand online. Get empowered learn SEO, SMM,

OraDMT offers digital marketing training programmes across all platforms. Digital Marketing training gives participants the understanding of one's brand online. Get empowered learn SEO, SMM, Web Analytics ,Google Adwords,Content Marketing.
Course Thumbnail





Skill level


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