Course description

This Sage 300 Accounts Receivable course allows attendees to improve customer service by training them to manage and track customer transactions quickly and easily. With the thorough understanding of Accounts Receivable this course provides, attendees will be able to set up and/or change the module settings for their specific needs, define customers and customer groups and record customer transactions. Attendees will also be able to print reports that will assist in the management of the company’s receivables. Attendees will also gain an understanding of transaction flow in Sage 300.

What will i learn?

  • Setting up Accounts Receivable This session will provide the attendee with a quick review understanding of the setup of Accounts Receivable and how it relates to performance. You will learn how to change settings to suit your specific accounting requirements, and how to make the most of some optional setup features to ease your data entry load.
  • Printing all the Set-up Reports In this session, you will learn about the many reports and report options relating to the setup of Accounts Receivable. You will learn how to use the report criteria to access the information needed, and how these reports will help to manage the Accounts Receivable module.
  • Managing Customers Information In this session you will learn how to maintain customer records. Including adding, editing, and deleting customer groups, national accounts, and customer records. You will be able to create alternative ship‐to locations for your customers, such as warehouses or other shipping locations.
  • Printing Customer Reports In this session learn how to print lists of the customer groups, national accounts, customers, ship-to locations, and recurring charges in your Accounts Receivable system. You can also print statistics reports for customer groups, national accounts, and customers.
  • Accounts Receivable Transactions In this session you will learn how to enter customer invoices, credit notes, and debit notes using the Invoice Entry form. This session will teach you about entering, posting, and reporting receipts from customers, refunds to customer, and adjustments to documents in customer accounts.
  • Accounts Receivable Transactions Reports Learn to print reports in the A/R Transactions Reports folder to maintain your audit trail and to analyze Accounts Receivable data.
  • Periodic Processing In this session you will learn how to use the processes located in the Periodic Processing folder to complete the various processing and reporting tasks you perform periodically or at regular intervals in your Accounts Receivable system.


  • You should have installed Sage 300
  • You should have installed Sample Data that comes with Sage 300

William Wingson - Total Corporate Learning

Director of Training

William’s passion for learning and making the learning experience exciting is remarkable. With a degree in Statistics, a Certificate in Business, a Certificate as Sage 300 and Sage 50 trainer, William offers practical information necessary to operate successful businesses. As the Director of Training for Total Corporate Learning Inc., William uses his wealth of training experience to educate and positively impact business owners in the use of software in the day-to-day operation of their businesses.
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